Soot Hat


1 skein Lichen and Lace 80/20 Bulky Yarn ( 100 grams, 76 yards)

10mm 16” circular needle or double pointed needles

Gauge: 12 stitches and 16 rows over 4" in knit purl diamond pattern


cast on 44 stitches, join in the round and place marker.

K1P1 rib for 2 inches

Row 1: *P1, K3*, repeat to end

Row 2: *K1, P1*, repeat to end

Row 3: K2, *P1,K3*, repeat to last two stitches, P1, K1

Row 4: *K1, P1*, repeat to end

Repeat rows 1-4 until hat measures 8” from cast on, ending after a Row 1

Decrease Round 1: K1, P2tog, *K2, P2tog* repeat to last stitch, K1

Decrease Round 2: K2, P2tog, *K1, P2tog* repeat, end with K1, slip last stitch to RH needle, remove marker, slip 1st stitch on RH needle back to LH needle, P2tog, place marker back on RH needle (beginning of round has shifted to the left by one stitch)

Decrease Round 3: *P2tog, K1* repeat to last stitch, P1

Decrease Round 4: *P3tog*, repeat to end

Draw yarn through remaining 5 stitches to cinch close, fasten off and weave in ends.

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