
Lichen and Lace can be found at the following Yarn Shops:

Alberta, Canada
Jo's Yarn Garden
British Columbia, Canada
Baaad Anna's

The Twisted Purl Yarn Studio

Beehive Wool Shop Black Sheep Yarns
Maiwa Saltwater Purls
Top Drawer Yarn Studio Sweet Threads Yarn & Fibre
Sooke Yarn & Fibre
Manitoba, Canada
Wolseley Wool
New Brunswick, Canada
Cricket Cove

 Loopy Supply Co.

Three Bags Full

 Gobsmacked Yarn

Northwest Territories, Canada
Maria's Place
Nova Scotia, Canada
The Loop Deanne Fitzpatrick Studio
The Mariner's Daughter Masstown Market
Yarn Traveler & Haberdashery Sisterhood Fibres
Wools on the Corner Tracy's Rolling Yarn Shop
Ontario, Canada
Hand Knit Yarn Studio Knit Stitch 
Purlin' J's Roving Yarn Co. Shall We Knit?
The Knit Cafe
Yarns Untangled

Llama Laine

Feather Your Nest

The Knitting Loft

Riverside Yarns Sue 2 Knits and Yarn
Unwind Yarn House Unraveled
Quebec, Canada
Pure Laine Etc.

La Maison Tricotée

California, United States
A Verb for Keeping Warm
Yarning for You
Connecticut, United States
Stars Hollow Yarns
Georgia, United States
Isadora Popper
Illinois, United States
Evanston Stitchworks

Indiana, United States

Simply Socks Yarn Company
New Hampshire, United States
Smitten Yarn Co.
New York, United States
Brooklyn General Store Lift Bridge Yarns
Black Sheep Knitworks Yarn Farm Kingston
Maine, United States
Mother of Purl
Massachusetts, United States
Uncommon Yarns JP Knit & Stitch
South End Yarn Co.
Michigan, United States
Wool & Honey


Minnesota, United States
The Yarnery Dappled Fern Fibers
Missouri, United States
Yarn Social
New Hampshire, United States
The Woolly Thistle
North Carolina, United States
The Salty Sheep
Ohio, United States
River Colors Studio
Oregon, United States
Starlight Knitting Society Close Knit
Pennsylvania, United States
Wild Hand
Rhode Island, United States
The Mermaid's Purl
South Carolina, United States
Low Country Shrimp and Knits
Texas, United States
Gauge Farm to Needle Yarn Shop
Utah, United States
The Needlepoint Joint
Washington, United States
Seattle Yarns
Wisconsin, United States
Fiddlehead Yarns
United Kingdom
Loop Tribe Yarn

Laine et Tricot

Rebel with a Twist
Yarnaholic WALNUT Kyoto