winter embroidery club

winter embroidery club


Registration for our Winter Embroidery Club is only open until the end of November!

Enjoy a curated winter of stitching with our first ever 3 month Embroidery Club!

You'll receive a beautiful package of 5 skeins of hand dyed  Lichen and Lace embroidery yarn in December, January, and February.  Each skein of embroidery yarn is 26 yards and 3 grams, spun from 55% Superwash Bluefaced Leicester Wool and 45% Silk.

Colourways will be ones that have never been dyed on our embroidery yarn before, so you definitely don't have these shades!

Plus, you will receive an embroidery related gift in each package :)

Are you a member of our Sock Train or Year of Socks?  If so, you can add on the Winter Embroidery Club for only $99 (less in USD), and we will combine your orders.  

If you are not a Sock Train member but want to take advantage of the price break, you can sign up for both at the same time by adding a Sock Train membership to your order here:


Is shipping is included in the yarn club price?

Yes, shipping is included, there is no additional shipping charge if you are in Canada or the USA.  Outside of these countries we might need to contact you for additional shipping charges.  If you are local and prefer to pick up your package, please select YES to the question: are you a sock train member, and then select the local pick up option :)

Is the cost of the club charged each month?

No, the total cost of the club is charged when you register and there is no additional charge.

Are the individual packages all working towards the same project?

Each package will contain 5 new embroidery colours and club members will have the option to buy more embroidery skeins in the club colours if they desire.  There is no project suggested, but this would be a great club if you are interested in visible mending, embroidered samplers, or doodle stitching.  Visit Dropcloth Samplers if you are looking for inspiration!

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